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Dimitrios Goulimaris & Vasilios Serbezis

The senior Personner of Greek Conveyos in Traditional Dance

Goulimaris, Dimitrios & Serbezis, Vasilios: "The senior Personner of Greek Conveyos in Traditional Dance", 12th International Congress on Dance Research, Athens, 1-5/7/1998.


The Greek tradition is constituting the continuation and the foundation stone of the today’s Greek civilization. The Greek traditional dance is a piece of the civilized continuation and tradition of Greek people and through the traditional dance promoted the Greek cultural conscience. In traditional dance, reflex the aesthetic perception, the mentality, the thought, the spiritual tradition, the way of communication, the relationships and the historical continuation of Greek people (Tirovola 1992).

It is acceptable, that today we are living in an industrial civilization with cultural productive centers in which the person, because of the rapid technological evolution, is confronting only as receiver and consumer of cultural goods. One of the most important characteristics of our season is the rapid evolution of material civilization. The result of this development is the creation of new cultural attitudes.

All these facts affects negative in the progress of the traditional dance. Nowadays, the tradition of dance appears downgraded and without the grade education role as years ago. Today, the differentiation of social and economic conditions as well as the progress of technology leads the traditional dance in a continuous decrease of the quantitative and the qualitative dimension.

This situation in combine with the discovery that in Greece the traditional dance exist in a primary level, certify the necessity of preservation, diffusion and its development. These elements is composing the long-term targets of an organizational plan which will taking into consideration the general characteristics of Greek civilization (Goulimaris 1998).

The better organization of the component elements which compose the area of traditional dance appears as a necessity which come from the European and International example.

            The present work which is a part of a wider research for the organization of the conveyors in traditional dance, has as its target the way how to record and present the characteristics of senior personnel. On the one hand, the senior personnel is the component element of the conveyor’s organization with fundamental importance for its function and on the other hand, it is certain that the senior personnel must materialize the activities programme and fulfil the targets that have been planned.


¨      Primary level

     The learning of traditional dance in the primary level concerns the learning which

     was made with the “natural” way from the one race to other (Serbezis 1995).

¨      Senior personnel

     It is concerning the paid an unpaid personnel of the conveyors who offer the

     services for the materialization of targets, except of the members of administrative


¨      Scientific senior personnel

       It is concerning the personnel of the conveyors who are responsible for the  

       materialization of the specific scientific work such as: scientific collaborators,

       masters of dance e.t.c.

¨      Technical senior personnel

     It is concerning the personnel who are responsible for the technical needs of the

     conveyors such as: repairs technician e.t.c.

¨      Administrative senior personnel

     It is concerning the personnel who are responsible for the administrative needs of

     the conveyors such as: secretaries, employers e.t.c.


            In the present research, there were examined conveyors who are legal juristic persons of private law non speculative according to the legal regime (Deligiannis 1989 – Karakatsanis 1989). It is made out a catalogue with the examined conveyors of Greece. The making out based on information which is collected from the Ministry of Culture, the local prefectures and the bibliography.

            The total number of the conveyors for Greece is 961. From the above population it was chosen with the method of lottery 151 (15,7%) conveyors in a random sampling (Kabitsis & Charachousou 1988 – Bagiatis 1990 – Bagiatis & Tsantas 1993 – Bountoulos 1990).

For the collection of data which are necessary for the factors that have been examined in the research, it is send written questionnaire (Paraskevopoulou 1983). The questionnaire include some chapters which are separate thematic units. So, it is examined the senior personnel of the conveyors (number, kind, educational level) as well as their activities in relation with traditional dance. For the activities, it is examined a 2 year time period (1995-96) in order the data that have been selected to give better the prevalent state. As activities, we can mention the teaching of dances the publications, the fulfilment performance of dance, congresses, seminars, research programmes and the organization of dancing manifestations.

For the better reliability of answers and moreover the credibility of the results, the questionnaires of this research are eponymous. The answers were given from the members of the administration board and preferably the chairman. The questionnaire consists of open type questions.

All the statistical analysis that were taken place have been through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) v.7.0

For the research completion, we use the following statistical analysis:

¨      Elements of descriptive statistic

¨      Discriminant analysis


From the analysis of the data and the elaboration of the answers it is arise that, there are senior personnel in the cultural conveyors of Greece who accomplish the decisions for the production of the cultural goods. Specifically, the results for the number of senior personnel in the picture 1:

Picture 1: Mean of scientific, technical and administrative senior personnel in the conveyors of Greece

            The administration board of the conveyors seems to assume the scientific senior personnel more important. We can understand this, if only we see that at mean 2,38 scientific executives work or co-operate in each conveyor while for the technical and administrative works this is only one executive.

            Particular interest shows the analysis of data which is related with the level of educational knowledge of the senior personnel. So, we have:


Primary 02,15% 13,50% 11,04%
Secondary 01,25% 11,52% 04,23%
Lycee 28,53% 43,34% 66,94%
Higher education 07,39% 24,55% 09,17%
University educat. 60,17% 07,09% 17,02%
Post-graduate 00,51% 00,00% 02,11%

            These results are obvious as we can see them in the picture 2:

Picture 2: Means of proportion of the scientific, technical and administrative senior personnel in the  

                 corresponding   educational levels in the conveyors of Greece.

            From these results it is arise that:

  1. 1.The 1/3 of the executives who have a scientific work, don’t have a university education. This fact create on the one hand some questions for the criterions of appreciation of the senior personnel from the administrative board and on the other hand serious reservations for the quality of the cultural work.
  1. 2.It seems that the scientific senior personnel with post-graduate education don’t co-operate with conveyors or there are not exist. This fact determine the scientific level of the cultural work which produced from the conveyors of Greece as well as the direction of the quality improvement with the help of the scientific personnel in post-graduate level.
  1. 3.Knowing that,
    1. a.the masters of dance include also in the scientific personnel
    2. b.the conveyors in their majority, organize lesson of traditional dance

seems that this unusual high percentage, owing in the empirical masters of dance without university education. The administration board seems to trust the empirical masters of dance for philosophical, economical or other reasons. This fact create questions about the quality of the educational work.

  1. 1.The administration board prefer lycee graduate for technical and mainly  

     administrative personnel, probably for economical reasons creating however

     questions for the quality of their work.

            The results from the analysis of data which related with the educational level of foreign language of senior personnel are remarkable. So, we have:


Number of foreign language Mean 0,74 Mean 0,29 Mean 0,74
Number of training seminars Mean 3,06 Mean 0,17 Mean 0,45

            From these results, as we can understand from the picture 3, it is arise that:

  1. 1.Both the scientific and administrative senior personnel in spite the margins of

     improvement that they have, they can also have the possibility of

     improvement their relation with abroad according to European reality.

  1. 2.The conveyors must organize or encourage the training of their personnel especially the technical and administrative.

Picture 3: Means of proportion of the scientific, technical and administrative senior personnel in the foreign

                 languages and training seminars that have attended the conveyors of Greece.

As it concerns the activities of the conveyors of traditional dance in Greece for the 2 year period 1995-96 from the elaboration of the data, we can understand that on mean each conveyor fulfiled 26,16 activities.

      The conveyors were classified in 3 categories accordingly with the number of their activities. The categories are:       1st from 0 activities till 10

                                                                  2nd from 11 activities till 25

                                                                  3rd from 26 activities and more

      It is accomplished discriminant analysis for the activities (3 categories)

(independent variable) in relation with the number of scientific, technical, administrative senior personnel of the conveyors (dependent variable).

            The results shows that in the 41,72% the conveyors classified positively in the 3 categories of the independent variable “number of activities”. It is noticed that an important number of conveyors (88 conveyors, 58,28%) should classified in a different category according to the dependent variables “number of scientific, technical and administrative senior personnel”

¨      64 (42,4%) conveyors in a category with smaller number of activities.

¨      24 (15,9%) conveyors in a category with bigger number of activities.

Table 1:   Results of cases classification from the discriminant analysis in the categories of the independent

                 variable “number of activities” in relation with the dependent variables “number of scientific,

                 technical and administrative senior personnel”

Actual category No. of case Predicted category membership
1η 2η 3η
1η 22 22 0 0
100% 0% 0%
2η 76 34 18 24
44,7% 23,7% 31,6%
3η 53 19 11 23
35,8% 20,8% 43,4%

Percent of “grouped” cases correctly classified:41,7%

            From the results, we find out a quantitative lack of correspondence in a high percentage (58,28%) between the number of personnel and the number of activities that have been accomplished. A large percentage of conveyors (42%) have done more manifestations on the analogy of their senior personnel while others (16,28%) less manifestations.

            The above results may come from:

1. the not homogeneous distribution of the senior personnel in the conveyors,

2. the qualitative differentiation between the senior of the conveyors,

  1. 1.the qualitative level of the activities,
  2. 2.the distribution of the money from the public resources at the conveyors

     without rationalism.


¨      The conveyors who are developing activities relative with the traditional dance in Greece and occupied senior personnel consist an important “market work” which in future can be increased if it gets some improvement in the organized structure of the conveyors.

¨      The qualitative characteristics of the senior personnel of the conveyors (grammatical knowledge, training seminars) present important margins of improvement.


¨      The adjustment of function in the conveyors of traditional dance according to European data as well as the exploitation of framework which develop the European Union with the help of its programs presuppose on the one hand the upgrade of senior personnel and on the other hand the general change of the organization and function of the conveyors.


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