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Contact and submissions




   Help in making CID Dance Writings as rich as possible!

Send your works to be included - contribute to fostering Dance Research. There are very few dance researchers in the world, we need many more.

Full texts of books are accepted too.


   Send texts in  .doc or in  .pdf  format.

References of works should be in our format:

FamilyName, GivenName: TitleOfText. Place, Publication, Year.

See details of references below.


   At the end of your text write:

Your full name in English and in your native language.

Full contact details: Postal address, phone numbers, email address, website

Short description of your studies and career.


   Send your text to the email address you will find at

Write your name in the Subject Line of your message to distinguish from spam and allow faster processing.



                      International Dance Council  -  Conseil International de la Danse

                      CID  c/o UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France

                      Tel. +33 1 4568 4953    Mob. +33  7 7842 1789  







Guidelines for submissions



1.  Reference style

A reference has four parts, in the following order.


1.1.  Authors

Names of persons authoring. Includes editors, reviewers, compilers etc.


1.2.  Title of text

Complete title of the text. Includes subtitle.

If the text is not in English write translation of the title to English, then in brackets the original language, for example (in Russian).


1.3.  Publication

Include place, publisher, year of publication, page numbers, ISSN or ISBN.


1.4.  Keywords

Relevant words on the subject which are not found in the title, or themes developped, geographical areas, applications, methods used.

If too many keywords, we will include the first ones only.







2.  Text style


2.1.  Top of text

Start with full name of authors, then title of text, then subtitle, then short publication details.

Eventually continue with an abstract.


2.2.  Main text

We advise to have all parts of the text numbered, just like the present guidelines.

Include in numbering preface, introduction, conclusions, postface.


2.3.  Bottom of text

Write again authors' names, draw a line, then write under the line:

-  Full publication details (name and contact details of publisher or of event where the text was presented, date, ISBN or ISSN)

-  Names and contact details of authors, eventually a short biographical text for each author or link to website where a biography can be found.






3.  Other

3.1.  Filename

Can be any filename since another filename will be given by our operator.


3.2.  Format

Send texts in  .doc or in  .pdf  format.

Send by email as attached file - there is no automatic submission.

All texts are subject to revision by a competent person.

Texts not relevant to our goals will not be included.


3.3.  Identification

Dance Writings is not a commercial website, we do not accept texts from unidentified persons. Priority is given to Members of the CID.

Validate your email address at

Fill the Listing form at





Articles View Hits
Friday the 28th.