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CID Bookshelf

Ebooks available free of charge to Members of the International Dance Council CID.


1.  Diaz Benavides, Daniel (ed.): Cuerpos y folklore(s). Herencias,

     construcciones y performancias, III.

2.  Naerebout, Frederick & Raftis, Alkis: Joannes Meursius and his "Orchestra,    

     sive de saltationibus veterum" of 1618, the first monograph on ancient

     Greek dance since Antiquity. Athens, Greek Dances Theatre "Dora Stratou",


3.  Nehmat Kaur Dhillon: Dancing prayer. A transpersonal & transcendent

     experience through dance energy.

     For Mac users

     Nehmat Kaur Dhillon: Dancing prayer. A transpersonal & transcendent

     experience through dance energy.

     For Windows users

4.  Karsavina, Tamara: Ballet technique. London, Adam and Charles Black,


5.  The art of dance Pieces of art by many artists on Dance

6.   Leeper, Janet: English ballet. London and New York, King Penguin Books,

      1945, 55 p.

7.   Woodward, Ian: Ballet. England, Ladybird Books, 1969.

8.   Thompson, C.J.S. : Dancing. London, Collins Publishers, 1971, 26 p.

9.   Bohme, Fritz: Der tanz in der Kunst. Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Walter Seifert,


10. Die Bedeutendsten Tanzbilder von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart.

11.   Raftis, Alkis: Danse et poésie. Anthologie internationale de poèmes sur la

     danse, 3ème édition augmentée. Athènes, Théâtre de danses grecques

     'Dora Stratou' , 2014, 621 p.

12.   Kondratova, Aelita (ed.): Proceedings of the 36th World Congress on Dance

      Research, Saint Petersburg, 2013. Saint Petersburg, 2015.

13. Vellozo, Marila & Rafael Guarato: Dança e política : estudos e práticas. Curitiba, Kairós Edições, 2015. 

14. Manganelli, Jorge: De Milonguas y Milonguero. Buenos Aires : Comisión para la Preservación del Patrimonio. Cultural de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 2008.

For more e-Books or printed Books on dance contact Ms. Anastassia Anastassopoulou, member of the International Dance Council CID at

Mr. Alkis Raftis
Raftis, Alkis: Traditional work attitudes in the building trades (in Greek), Mining World 95, 11-12. Athens, 1982.
Raftis, Alkis:Mule-caravans. Past centuries' transporters in Greece (in Greek), Greece and International Transport 25, 22-24. Athens, 1982.
Raftis, Alkis:The body as carrier of social history (in French), 4th Conference of the Association of Educators in Expression and Communication, 101-126. Grenoble, 1983.
Raftis, Alkis:  Shared tasks and communal celebrations in rural Greece,  with Gillian Bottomley, Journal  of Intercultural Studies 5/1, 22-32. Sydney, 1984.
Raftis, Alkis:  Tradition and folklore in Greek dance (in Greek), Kanonaki 1, 38-41. 
Athens, 1984.
Raftis, Alkis:  The body as carrier of local history (in French), Danse et Enseignement, 17-18. Dijon, 1984.
Raftis, Alkis: The IOFA office in Athens, Contact, Winter 1985, 24-26.
Raftis, Alkis: Dance in GreeceΛαογραφία newsletter of the international greek folklore society, Vol. 2, No. 8, 2-7, California, U.S.A., 1985.
Raftis, Alkis: Système social et système de danse: La ronde à Karpathos, 2ème Congrès International sur la Recherche en Danse, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris 29/09/1986-03/10/1986. Paris, 1986.
Raftis, Alkis: 8.  A Systems-Theory approach to the study of dance-related social activities (with Stavros Goutsos), 1st International Conference "Folk Dance Today", 51-57. Athens, International Organization of Folk Art, 1987.
Raftis, Alkis: Dance and society in Greece (in Japanese), Bulletin of the Japanese-Greek SocietyTokyo, 1987.
Raftis, Alkis: Relationships between song and dance in Karpathos (with Marigoula Kritsioti). 1st International Conference "Folk Dance Today", 87-98. Athens, International Organization of Folk Art, 1987.
Raftis, Alkis: The body as carrier of social history. Greek dance (in French), La Recherche en Danse 4, 43-54. Paris, 1988.
Raftis, Alkis: Scientific research and publication on dance in Greece - An overview"International Conference "Beyond Performance: Dance Scholarship Today". Berlin, International Theatre Institute, 1988.
Raftis, Alkis: The principles and the end of folk dance3d World Conference "Folk Dance and Education"Athens, International Organization of Folk Art, 1989.
Raftis, Alkis: Methodology of research in Dance Ethnography (in French), 4th International Congress on Dance Research. Paris, Universityof Paris IV Sorbonne, 1989.
Raftis, Alkis: A sociological survey on dance (in Greek), Choros 6, 4-63. Athens, Dance and Eurythmics Society, 1989.
Raftis, Alkis: Are folk dancers allergic to text?CIOFF General AssemblyPovarska-BystrizaCzechoslovakia, 1989.
Raftis, Alkis: For a natural nutrition in music and dance (in Greek), Natural Nutrition and Life 12, 65-67, Athens, 1989.
Raftis, Alkis: Reprinted in Super Strength 3-4, 52-53. Thessaloniki, 1990and in Selides, 23, 50-51, Athens, 1993.
Raftis, Alkis: Dance research information sources in Greece3d International Conference on Dance ResearchMoreliaMichoacanMexico, Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute, 1990.
Raftis, Alkis:  What is corporate culture, and what it is not (in Greek), Manager 10, 45-46. Athens, 1990.
Raftis, Alkis: The body as carrier of social history. Greek dance (in Greek), Choros 12, 36-42. Athens, Dance and Eurythmics Society, 1990.
Raftis, Alkis: Four poems on women dancers (in Greek), Graphi 10, 325-331. Larissa, 1990.
Raftis, Alkis: Tänze mit Objekten in Griechenland (Dances with Objects in Greece), with F. Chormova, International Conference on Dance Research, Budapest, 1990.
Raftis, Alkis: The ethnographical study of enterprise culture. Notes for the post-graduate course in management. Paris, University of Paris IX Dauphine, 1990.
Raftis, Alkis: A call for a new breed of folk dance teachersDance Studies 14, 65-71. Jersey, Centre for Dance Studies, 1991.
Raftis, Alkis: Ancient Greek dance in modern times bibliography (in Greek), Stadion 2/2, 113-120. Athens, 1991.
Raftis, Alkis: A proposal for the European Diploma in Dance (in Greek), Choros (Dance) 4, 18-19. Athens, Dance and Eurythmics Society, 1991.
Raftis, Alkis: Culture as a total productInternational Folklore Conference "Dance - Courses and discourses"Lisbon, INATEL, 1991.
Raftis, Alkis: Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Typus von Volkstanz-LehrernTanzen 9/10, 14-18. Stuttgart, Deutscher Bundesverband Tanz, 1992.
Raftis, Alkis: The legacy of Dora StratouDance Studies 16, 35-55. Jersey, Centre for Dance Studies, 1992.
Raftis, Alkis: Cultural identity and nationalist tendenciesWorld Conference of the IOFASarvarHungary, 1992. Reprinted in: Viltis 51/5, 24-25. Denver, Co. USA, 1993.
Raftis, Alkis: The musical archive of the "Dora Stratou" Theater, with particular emphasis on Macedonian music (in Greek), National Conference "Traditional song in Macedonia", 101-113. ThessalonikiMusic Center of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, 1993.
Raftis, Alkis: Traditional therapeutics in Loupsiko (Lykorrachi), Konitsa, before 1940 (in Greek, with Chryssoula Tsiou), International Nursing CongressAthensUniversity  of Athens Faculty of Nursing, 1995.
Raftis, Alkis: A short essay on the Tsifteteli dance (in Greek), En Choro (Dancing) 12, 6. Athens, Dance and Eurythmics Association, 1995. Reprinted in Tradition and dance, 1996.
Raftis, Alkis: A living museum for folk danceUNESCO Courrier, 01/1996. Published in 30 languages and braille by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
Raftis, Alkis: Costumes for spectacle and knowledge (in Greek), Time in Art, 31-34. Athens, Association of Antiquaries and Art Dealers, 1997.
Raftis, Alkis: La danza ethnografica in Grecia, Sardegna Mediterranea 2, 50-56. Oliena/Sardegna, Associazione Culturale Sardegna Mediterranea, 10/1997.
Raftis, Alkis: Dance in Greece, International Encyclopedia of Dance, New YorkOxfordUniversity Press, 1998.
Raftis, Alkis: Dance scholarship in GreeceInternational Encyclopedia of DanceNew YorkOxford University Press, 1998.
Raftis, Alkis: La primogenita nella danza a ScarpantoSardegna Mediterranea 4, 21-27. Oliena/Sardegna, Associazione Culturale Sardegna Mediterranea, 10/1998.
Raftis, Alkis: Danse, tradition et managementManagement et Conjoncture Sociale 544, 46-51. Paris23/11/1998.
Raftis, Alkis: Zur Tanzerziehung in GriechenlandInformationen zum Tanz 24, 30-38. Remscheid, Deutscher Bundesverband Tanz, 1998.
Raftis, Alkis: Fidelity instead of authenticity, 8th European Conference of the IOV, Bucharest 10-16/08/1999.
Raftis, Alkis: Quando in Sardegna I mufloni erano tantiSardegna Mediterranea 6, 3-9. Oliena/Sardegna, Associazione Culturale Sardegna Mediterranea, 10/1999.
Raftis, Alkis: Greek dance and Dora Stratou (in Greek), Kathimerini, 7 Days SupplementGreece in the 20th century, 1950-1960, 37-38. Athens28/11/1999.
Raftis, Alkis: Dance: From the village square to the ballroom and the scene, Greek song in the 20th century (in Greek), The Sunday Ethnos, 82-85. Athens, December 1999.
Raftis, Alkis: Werktreue statt AuthentizitätTanzen 2000/1, 11-12. HeroldstattGermany, 1st quarter 2000.
Raftis, Alkis: Educational programs, cultural exchanges and tourist-oriented activities regarding non-material folk culture, Acts of the UNIMED Symposium “Non-material cultural heritage in the euro-mediterranean area”, 237-245. Roma, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2000.
Raftis, Alkis: Episodi di brigantaggio ottocentescoSardegna Mediterranea 8, 10-17. Oliena/Sardegna, Associazione Culturale Sardegna Mediterranea, 2000.
Raftis, Alkis: Two Histories, Tradition and Art 054, pp. 3-4, Athens, International Organization of Folk Arts, November-December 2000.
Raftis, Alkis: Intangible Heritage, Tradition and Art 061, p. 12-13, Athens, I.O.F.A., January – February 2002.
Raftis, Alkis: Save our Dances, Tradition and Art 062, p. 19, Athens, I.O.F.A., March - April 2002.
Raftis, Alkis: Phantom cultural organizations (in Greek)Tradition and Art, 68. AthensIOFA, 03/2003, p. 9-13. Reprinted in the magazine Anti, 790. Athens, 13/06/2003, p. 54-56.
Raftis, Alkis: The mode of naming dances. The socio-cultural context of a Macedonian dance tradition (with Anna Lazarou & Philippos Philippou, Maria Michaltsi & Fani Lazarou), Studia Choreologica, 6. Poznan, Poland, Fundacja Instytut Choreologii, 2004, p. 25-47.
Raftis, Alkis: Libros de historia de la danzaChile Danza, 13. Santiago de Chile, Departamento de Danza de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile, 2008, p. 19-23. 
Raftis, Alkis: A satellite view of dance in the world. Tendencies, transformations and technologyShanghai International Dance Fair, 25/09/2010-30/09/2010, Shanghai, China
Raftis, Alkis: Dance in Greece in the 20th century (in Greek), Alter Vita, Athens, 2011, p. 42-44.
Raftis, Alkis: Stopping the decline of folk dance groups, Notiziario UFI, June 2011
Raftis, Alkis: VII International Contest for choreographers and ballet masters, Novosibirsk, february 1-5, 2012



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                      International Dance Council  -  Conseil International de la Danse

                      CID  c/o UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France

                      Tel. +33 1 4568 4953    Mob. +33  7 7842 1789  







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Ms. Anna Lazou




The Ancinet Greek Drama in the light of Orchesis


"Αncient myths, traditional civilization and contemporary dance theatre", 18th International Congress on Dance Research, Argos, 3-7/11, 2004.


"The social character of ancient dance as contribution to the psychophysical balance of man, 3rd world conf., 107-108. Athens: IOFA, 1989.


"Following the traces of Dionysus. Dance-Body-Theatre. A theoretical and practikal workshop", 16th International Congress on Dance Research, Corfu, p.371-372. 30/10-03/11, 2002.












Contact and submissions




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 International Dance Council  -  Conseil International de la Danse

                      CID  c/o UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France

                      Tel. +33 1 4568 4953    Mob. +33  7 7842 1789  






Guidelines for submissions


1.  Reference style

A reference has four parts, in the following order.


1.1.  Authors

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1.2.  Title of text

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If the text is not in English write translation of the title to English, then in brackets the original language, for example (in Russian).


1.3.  Publication

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2.  Text style


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Eventually continue with an abstract.


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-  Names and contact details of authors, eventually a short biographical text for each author or link to website where a biography can be found.




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