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DVD par des membres du CID


Bodak, Suzanne & Allinne, Frédéric: La danse libre de Malkovsky. Paris, Mouvement Musique, 2006. Bodak, Suzanne & Bodak, Alexandre: Malkovsky par lui-même. Archives Multimédia Malkovsky, 2009. Brooks, Virginia: The Nutcracker Family - Behind the Magic, 2006.

Brooks, Virginia: Felia Doubrovska Remembered - From Diaghilev's Ballets Russes to Balanchine's School of American Ballet, 2008.

Grosser, Anne-Marie: Danses enfantines. Bressuire, France, Fuzeau, 2006.

Grosser, Anne-Marie: Jeux de mime et jeux de mains. Bressuire, France, Fuzeau, 2006. Grosser, Anne-Marie: Jeux de balle et jeux de corde. Bressuire, France, Fuzeau, 2006.

Jacques, Michel & Trelford, Fong: Learn meringue/compas dancing. National Dance Council of Haiti, 2005.

Keet de Grut, Marina: The bolero school. London, Spanish Dance Society, 2006. Kroeschlová, Jarmila: Der Ausdruckstanz.

Ma, Eve, A. & Lee, Richard, R.: Of beauty and deities - Music and dance of India. Berkeley, California, USA, Palomino Productions, 2006.

Raftis, Alkis (ed.): Proceedings of the 19th World Congress on Dance Research. Larnaca, Cyprus, 2005.

Raftis, Alkis (ed.): Proceedings of the 20th World Congress on Dance Research. Athens, Dora Stratou Dance Theatre, 2006.

Raftis, Alkis (ed.): Proceedings of the 21st World Congress on Dance Research. Athens, Dora Stratou Dance Theatre, 2007.

Raftis, Alkis (ed.): Proceedings of the 22nd World Congress on Dance Research. Athens, Dora Stratou Dance Theatre, 2008.

Raftis, Alkis: Dance history gallery. 16,000 works of art. Athens, Dora Stratou Dance Theatre, 2006. Rebel, Günther: Solo & Gäste, 14 März 2010, Städtische Bühne Münster. Münster, Germany, 2010. Renteria Hernandez, Felix: La historia del Danzon en Mexico. Ciudad de Mexico, 2007.

Seoul Section CID: 2010 Asian Dance Symposium, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 24 November 2010. Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Seoul Section CID: 2010 Asian Dance Collaboration Meeting, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Wosien, Maria-Gabriele: The hymn of Christ. A danced mystery play. Der Hymnus Christi. Ein getanztes Mysterienspiel. Bergdietikon, Switzerland, Metanoia, 2009.

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